Here are some ways you can register marriage NSW at these times:
1. Plan Your Special Day
Planning a wedding during a pandemic can be very stressful, and you might find that you’re unable to have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of having. Perhaps, you’ve always wanted to get married overseas or interstate, but with international boarders being shut and state boarders changing quite often, you might find it easier to register your marriage NSW. Keeping your wedding local and through the registry office may help you abide by any restrictions that the government has put in place.
2. Complete Protocols Before The Wedding
Once you’ve booked your wedding, there may be some paper work or meetings you have to complete, such as a Notice of Intended Marriage (NoIM). You can get your NoIM from the minister, wedding celebrant, or whoever you choose to marry you. It needs to be completed at least one calendar month prior the wedding, but no more than 18 months prior. It can easily be completed online. All you have to do is fill out the form, which might include things like if you’re divorced or have never been married.
3. Get Married
Hopefully, by the time your big day arrives, there won’t be any changes to restrictions, but keep an eye on them. You don’t want to be copping a fine on your wedding day. In case restrictions do change and you’re no longer allowed to have an in-person wedding, you want to have a back-up plan, or a few. The ultimate back-up plan, in case the state is thrown into a lockdown, might be an online wedding. If you’re allowed to have an in-person wedding, but the number of guests has been lowered, you could have the people who couldn’t be there in person watching online. Online weddings and bridal culture have evolved significantly over the past few years, offering couples creative ways to celebrate their love while keeping everyone safe. From virtual photo booths to live-streamed ceremonies, there are endless options to make your online wedding feel just as special and memorable. Embracing technology not only helps you adapt to changing circumstances but also allows loved ones from across the globe to be part of your special day.
4. Apply For A Registered Marriage Certificate
Now that you’re happily married and, perhaps, had the wedding you wanted, the last thing left to do is to apply for a marriage certificate with the government. Due to the pandemic, the New South Wales government has made it easier for you do this. You can apply for it online through the BDM NSW website, in-person by visiting one of their offices, or through the post by completing the form and sending it.

Summing Up
Just because we’re currently living through a pandemic, doesn’t mean that you can’t get married. It’s simple as long as you consider government guidelines in your initial plan and have some back-ups in case things don’t go your way. Technology has made it so much easier to organize your special day and even have people there that otherwise wouldn’t be able to make it. To make it easier, remember you can apply for your NoIM and marriage certificate online.