Kindness is perhaps an obvious green flag – but it’s also the most important. In all likelihood, your potential partner will be making the effort to be nice to you at the start and it’s therefore paramount to focus on the way they treat other people to get a feel of what they are really like – especially people they don’t have a vested interest in. Their interactions with service staff, for example, can be a clear sign of their fundamental kindness (or lack thereof) as some people are guilty of having a superior attitude towards servers. A genuine sense of empathy and humility in dealing with others can point to a whole range of green flags for a future relationship: a caring side on your bad days, the selflessness to raise children, and simply a general tendency to take other people’s feelings into account. Kindness has also been shown to have a range of benefits for your mental health and wellbeing too.
An inquisitive nature
A date asking plenty of questions is a sure sign that they’re genuinely interested in getting to know you. If a date is only talking about themselves at the beginning when you’re both trying to make strong early impressions, it seems unlikely to change once you’re more comfortable around each other down the line. An inquisitive nature indicates an open mind and an ability to think beyond themselves. A genuine attempt to get to know you suggests a commitment to developing an awareness of what makes you tick and in turn how to bring happiness to your life.
Active listeners can be a rare find, and so a date who can recall small details mentioned in passing on previous occasions definitely ticks long-term relationship boxes. This is a clear indicator that your date is picking up on the things which are significant in your life and underlines genuine interest and care.
Equally, if your date is content to acknowledge that they don’t share a particular opinion in a calm, reasoned way then this is also a green flag. People can’t agree on everything, and evidence of the ability to respectfully disagree on a topic suggests maturity and authenticity. They are not simply agreeing with everything to “progress” the date nor are they becoming argumentative over a difference of opinion. This shows the person is fundamentally honest and respects you enough to have an honest dialogue.
This level of open communication is a key strength to the success of long-term relationships as it will inform the nature of the inevitable arguments and disagreements which arise over time. Dating app Badoo’s advice on how to have a healthy relationship emphasizes the importance of being able to focus on a problem as a couple rather than resorting to fighting or throwing insults. It is paramount to avoid trying to “win” an argument and instead tackle it as an “us against the problem” scenario. This helps to prevent lingering resentments and can only be achieved through clear and open communication.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence isn’t as easy to define, but someone who can talk about their feelings while taking yours into account certainly fits the bill. A willingness to be open about flaws and insecurities indicates a trusting person with a strong sense of their own fallibility. This often in turn means your date will be empathetic and understanding to the needs and faults of others. It suggests a patient partner who won’t be blind to when you’re in need of comfort, and neither will they be dismissive of any future emotional issues.
Of course, having a shared attraction to each other along with the ability to make each other laugh is key to sparking that early relationship fire. These components remain important in successful long-term relationships. However, shared principles of kindness, mutual care and open communication are its foundation stones, as is high emotional intelligence – as well as the intention to improve upon it. The early stages of dating may make it difficult to spot the potential for long-term compatibility, but these green flags certainly act as strong indicators. Fostering these qualities takes time and patience, but their presence can transform a fleeting romance into a deeply fulfilling partnership. For those wondering how to find love abroad, the same principles apply—seeking individuals who align with your values and demonstrate empathy can help bridge cultural and geographical differences. Ultimately, building a meaningful connection requires effort, understanding, and a shared commitment to grow together, no matter where in the world love is found.