1. Write Down Your Goals
Do not tell yourself, “Things will work out themselves.” No, you have to be intentional about how to cope with your situation. So, together with your partner, write down what you want to achieve. These goals should include personal goals, marriage goals, study goals, among others. The goals should further be divided into short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals should cover everything you want to achieve on a day-to-day basis. For example, you can have date nights once a week or study hours together at certain times. Similarly, long-term goals should entail what you want to achieve in years. For example, you can take a yearly vacation during school holidays to spend quality time together.
2. Ask and Accept Help
Sometimes, all you and your partner need is help. Do not pretend that you can handle everything, learn to ask and accept help when you need it. For example, if you have so many pending house chores to do that will take your time, you can hire a housekeeper. Also, if you are a parent, you can hire a nanny to look after your child during school hours. If you do not have the money to pay people to work for you but are lucky to have a family, accept their help when they offer. You can also ask for their help first too. Similarly, you can use help for school assignments.
3. Have a Studying Area
Even though your home is your comfort zone, you need to have a study area. Having a study area in your home will let you be serious with your academics and excel at schoolwork. Face it, you are human and sometimes you may be overwhelmed with combining house chores and school work. This could lead to a loss of motivation to do your school assignments and if not taken care of, affect your grades. Another thing to note is that lack of a study space can leave you messing up your home with school materials. Of course, you know that cleaning up the extra mess will take up your time.
So, your best bet is to have a study space that is separate from the comfort your home gives you. If you do not have any ideas for how a study space should look, you can check for photo ideas on Instagram or Pinterest. This will help you create a dedicated area that inspires focus and productivity, free from distractions. Much like starting a hair and beauty salon requires attention to detail in creating a welcoming and functional space, designing your study area should reflect your needs and preferences. Think about lighting, organization, and comfortable seating to make the most of your study time.
4. Show Gratitude
Lastly, learn to be thankful to yourself, your spouse, your lecturers, your family, your staff, and everyone who has helped you in one way or the other. Sometimes, the challenges of life could blind one to seeing the good things in their life. With a pen and a paper or your smart device, write down the kind acts that people have done for you. Also, write down the act of kindness you have done for others. You can also choose to send emails of appreciation to people who have helped you including your spouse.
You do not have to choose married life over your study and vice versa; you can have them both. All you have to do is put these tips to work so you can enjoy both marriage and school.